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Life Launch was created to fulfill the biblical mandate to care for orphans. We believe the orphans of our time are young adults aging out of the foster care system and other at-risk young adults.

Stand in the Gap’s Life Launch small groups invest in the lives of at-risk young adults so they develop healthy self-esteem, begin to have hope in their futures, and seek to be self sufficient.  When you join a Stand in the Gap Life Launch mentoring family, you will be paired with other mentors to come around a young adult wanting to pursue a better life. Can you spare 3 hours each month?

6 out of 10 young adults will be homeless, incarcerated, or dead within two years of leaving foster care.
7 out of 10 girls aging out of foster care will be pregnant before they turn 21.
Without intervention ... We are setting these young adults up to fail!

Ali’s childhood was unsafe.  Her adolescence was marked by cruelty.  But her future is a different story.

“I hated myself for a very long time because I had so many insecurities.  Nobody wanted me and I was abused.  It changes your whole perspective of yourself and your self-image.  Just the other day, I was talking to an old friend.  She asked me what was different. Without hesitation, I said I love myself now.” – Allie, Life Launch Graduate

Do you have 3 hours a month? Be the reason a young adult has a new perspective. Be a mentor!

Take a moment to view Allie’s Life Launch video and see how a mentor can make a difference!

Reach out to us for information about mentoring a young adult.

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