Will you be the one?
So many times in life, we think about the world and all the problems and wonder how or if we will or can make a difference. If you are like me, this task can become overwhelming and seem like a huge undertaking. We want to do all the things, reach all the people and change the world. It seems impossible and many times we instead don’t do anything.
I think we all agree that everyone of us has one person in our life who needs encouragement, love and support. If you look around, it is easy to see that. Many people are hurting because of the situations, circumstances or struggles that they are facing.
For me, the person who decided to start with just one was Deanna. I’ve written about her before, but no amount of stories could show you the impact and importance of Deanna in my life. She reached out to me early on in my widowhood journey. She knew that God was calling her to help other widows and she followed that calling. She sent a card, sent me gift cards and showed me God’s love through her actions and encouragement. She wasn’t trying to change the world, just trying to help others who had been through the hurt she has been through.
I know that moment she reached out only months after my husband had passed, made a world of difference in my journey. I truly believe that I would not be where I am today without her, her encouragement and her eventual friendship.
You see, we are called by God to fulfill what He has laid on our hearts. He does not ask for us to all do the same things, reach the same people or fulfill the same calling. He has given you and me a unique calling because we are unique people put on this earth to impact others for Him.
This month at Stand In The Gap Ministries, we had our Legacy Of Hope events. These events let people know about what and why we do what we do. We heard stories from all of our programs and even though each of these programs reaches different people, everyone of the stories had a common thread, one person deciding to follow their calling and reach one person. The people who stepped into their calling, were not sure of how they would impact those in their lives, but they knew that they must step out and do what they were called to do and after hearing these stories, there is no doubt they have made a difference that will last a lifetime.
So, maybe today you are feeling compelled to reach out to your neighbor who is a widow and take her a coffee or meal. Maybe you see the teenager who attends your church alone week after week because they don’t have a family who loves and supports them and you decide to invite them to sit next to you at church. Maybe you know that person at your work who is starting a new job and has no friends to go to lunch with and you invite them to lunch. Whoever that person is, whatever their story is, you can make a difference in their life today. It doesn’t take a lot to make a huge impact, it only takes stepping into the calling God has uniquely put on your life. You may not feel like you can change the world, but if you obey, you never know what God is going to do through you!

Deanna and myself on a cruise to celebrate her 50th birthday.

Amy Woody
Amy Woody brings her personal experience and passion for helping others to her work with widows. She wants you to never forget you have a purpose and a God-given calling placed on your life, no matter what you've been through! Use your hurt to help others!