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Hope is...Stand in the Gap

July’s 9 Hope Highlights

By July 16, 2020June 24th, 2022No Comments

In an increasingly unstable world, 

hope is still the most important thing.

This month, we are sharing some of our “hope highlights” from the last 4 weeks. 
May these short stories bring you hope.

"I made the decision to change my life."

Felicia took to Facebook to share her Stand in the Gap experience. She said, "I was released from prison with no family. I made the decision to change my life... In a year and a half, I've gotten my driver's license, bought a car, did a 12 step, l got an awesome Stand in the Gap team who inspired me to be a Stand in the Gap neighbor, and I've made shift manager/shift leader, but I had to be real with myself and not hold anything back.
So this is how great our Father is, I gave everything that put a hole in my heart to God. I had to let everything out. Was it easy? No, but if I wanted freedom and blessings I had to do it.
I've been restored to my sister, my daughter, one of my brothers, my nieces and nephews, my dad, and there is more yet to come."

Restoration Renovation

God provided a home for Dustie (Women in Transition Graduate), her new husband, and children! While Dustie and Cole were on their honeymoon, many of God’s people worked to fix up their home.
What a beautiful gift and symbol of a new start for this lovely family.
We are very grateful to our Stand in the Gap friends for making this gift of God happen. Denise & Carl Lopez, EveryDay Ministry, Inc, His House Outreach Ministries Inc., Sons of Encouragement, and Rejoice Foundation

Sharing What We Know

After years of intense effort by Program Director, TJ Warren, the Life Launch training is moving beyond our "walls". TJ has been asked to use the Life Launch curriculum to train all children and youth ministry leaders at Life.Church this fall. He will share how our understanding of the Gospel impacts how we treat other people.
Our partnership with Life.Church continues to be a great blessing to Stand in the Gap and we are grateful to be able to give something back!

Learn more about hope.