In an increasingly unstable world,
hope is still the most important thing.
This month, we are sharing some of our “hope highlights” from the last 4 weeks.
May these short stories bring you hope.
"The first adults who..."
Team Kaitlyn celebrated one year together this month. Kaitlyn says her Life Launch team is the first group of adults she knew she could bring anything to and they wouldn’t treat her differently or judge her. She is having baby number two soon and they will continue to be a long term support for her! Her mentors affirmed what a great mother she is and her courage in continuing with the program even when life got hard.

From Homeless to Whole Family
Brooklyn took our Women in Transition course at Jordan’s Crossing (one of the few facilities that has been open to us teaching the course since COVID). She celebrated her graduation from her Stand in the Gap small group along with her recovery from homelessness and her reunion with her daughter. Her Stand in the Gap family “worked recovery” with Brooklyn and the dividends are paying off big time!

Head Cheerleader
Kyrra celebrated her Stand in the Gap graduation this month. Her biggest accomplishment was restoring her relationship with her children. Kyrra is even the cheer coach for her daughter's Upward team! We are grateful to God for a new start for this beautiful family.
Moving on Up!
Congratulations Life Launch Team Nia on your graduation! Nia says, "I kind of knew what Life Launch was, but wasn't expecting the lasting friendships I made along the way." We join her Life Launch team in celebrating her job and that she is already training for a management position! Best wishes to Nia as she finishes school.

Passing the Test
Elizabeth took to Facebook to share her excitement about passing the written part of her driver's license test and gave the credit to God and her Stand in the Gap family! Congratulations, Elizabeth! May this be one in a long line of accomplishments for you! Click to watch the short video in her own words on our Facebook page.